Thank you for joining Oxford Sports & Traditional Martial Arts School.
Here’s how to join in a few easy steps;
Please hover your camera on your mobile phone over the icon below. (Android users may require a QR reader)
2. Complete the form that appears, complete with email & contact number
3. Please set up a direct debit payment for the correct amount for the 5th day of the month every month to the account details can be found in your introductory pack.
4. Place £79 joining fee in an envelope completing name, todays date & date of birth of the person joining. (no cheques please) & return to your instructor.
5. You will then receive the karate suit, Sparring pads & Licence insurance book (please affix a photo to the licence book on return).
6. Any problems or any questions please visit where you will find class times / venues / price schedules / T-shirt’s
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Email: for support